Have you, your organization, or community experienced the “spinning of the wheels” analogy? Where it seems no matter how much work you do, how harder you work, or who and what you try to get help from – the same unhealthy pattern or cycle either remains or returns sometime after “progress”, inspiration, motivation or a retreat has occurred?
The collective trauma’s and social pathologies such as apathy, suicide, addictions, lateral violence, political instability, and grief indigenous people face does not need “band aid” services, programs and workshops that barely scratch the surface of transformation of what’s really possible.
We can no longer afford to waste our limited resources on individuals, workshops, or programs that don’t deliver results or only offer short-term solutions. We need work that delivers the outcomes that people our communities and organizations long for.
If our organizations or communities are not experiencing the outcomes they want as a result of their investments in services in the areas of community transformation, health and wellness. It is because the programs and services that are being invested in are designed to only deliver the results they are currently experiencing.
Most workshops and programs do not address what’s creating the problems and issues in a community or organization in the first place. Investing in more “band aid” workshops and programs will NOT provide different results.
This is supposed to be a biography about me. However I can’t sell myself by writing the standard cliché persuasive explanation of why you should hire me. Because I’m not selling myself nor do I want you to buy me. I do however encourage you to invest in yourself, your community, and your organization with this work that is on offer.
From the 15 years of experience in working in the front lines of communities and organizations in the areas of crisis response, suicide prevention/intervention, grief and recovery, life skills programming, individual and group counselling, family support services, and with a back ground in evolving systems using new conscious systems principles and approaches in the area of leadership; my passion remains strong in working for social transformation with people and community!
Our people deserve happiness and our young people have the right to be able to access the greatness that exists within them! The programs and services that are on offer are rare and incredibly successful!
To make the conscious choice to inquire, invest, and commit to what is on offer here… Is a decision of a lifetime!
“Every person that is truthful knows, that something within our society needs to change”